I have added a new page to describe the book in more detail (it will go up this weekend, so watch for it). You simply cannot go wrong, as most books cost more than this one -- although, I must confess that if you get serious about CTs, then you will have to get all the other books too! In the pages section of this blog, I have provided some excerpts of the book. Yes, it is a book targeted for those just starting out, but I think everyone will enjoy it, as there is new information about subtypes and regional variations that are not discussed in other books.
In my own experience, I have always enjoyed reading coin books that are written by fellow collectors who share the passion. See the recent review of the book by Wayne Homren on E-Sylum. Check it out: it is a great site that provides a weekly newsletter that most (if not all) collectors will enjoy. Here is the link to the book review and the site: esylum at coinbooks.com.
You can order the book from this link: Bookseller for Communion Tokens - A Guide for Collectors.
Also, I have put some of the books for sale on Ebay ($12) with free shipping. I am limited to USA only for this deal, but I will shortly add an Ebay listing for Canada and the UK with discounted shipping -- I will do this next week. Finally, the book is available on Amazon and other big sellers.
I have read your book; it was a wonderful introduction to the specialty for me. And now that I've discovered your blog, I'll be a frequent visitor.