I have enjoyed exploring the world of CTs for several years. At the outset, I was enticed by, but also a bit overwhelmed by, this multifarious collecting field: Over 7000 CTs! Where do you start?
Well, over time I explored several different collecting strategies. And I read many old books. Now it is time to pass this information along, so I wrote a short guidebook to get you started or to help you get focused.
Essentially, I wrote the book that I wanted to read a few years ago when I was bidding on CTs willy-nilly with gleeful abandon. Gee, I think I still do this from time to time. After all, if you see a CT that you really like, then why not make an offer?
Of course, you will still need to find the core reference books that catalog the tokens themselves. For example, you will still need to get a copy of Brook's 1907 monograph of early CTs. Consequently, I still plan to do a post on Brook and Burzinski (plus a few other obscure researchers, like Orr). You need to be familiar with these works if you plan to collect more than a few CTs. I can get you up to speed, as I know my way around these books pretty well. But you will have to get the CTs and study them.
As for my meager contribution to the literature, I will post when the book is available and give more detail. It is inexpensive. For now, I hope you enjoy the cover proof and the tokens thereon.
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